遠紅外快速干燥箱(改進型、快速、節(jié)能、環(huán)保、鐵膽、遠紅外加熱) 型號:M193642 詳細說明:
適用范圍: 該產品供工礦企業(yè)、化驗室、科研單位作干燥、烘焙、熔臘、滅菌之用。
Scope:lt s applcable in drying , baking,wax melting and sterilization in factories and mines, laboratories and R&D institute
* 工作室采用優(yōu)質鍍鋅鋼板制成,四角圓弧形易清潔,擱板高低可任意調 。外門裝有雙層玻璃觀
并帶有0-9999分鐘時間 設定功能。控溫更、操作方便、溫度示值顯示準確直觀。
Construction features:
*The product is a kind of fast. energy saving and environmental protection one. which adopts far infra-red heating elements with lowenergy consumpton and rapid temperature increasing.
*Adopts enotype environmental protection and htgh temperature resistant gelsilica door seal to substitute the traditionally used amianth insertion strip.
* Selects good steel plates or mirror stainless steel plates to manufacture the 4 angles of work room into arc shape. which are easy to be cleaned The outside door has observation window.
*Inlectual temperature controller has multiple functions of PID automatic setting. warning and switching off when temperature exceeds and timing. Dual LED digital dtsplay and touchable switch make its operation convenient. direct and performance reliable.
主要指標: Primary technical indexes:
* 控 溫 范 圍: Temperature contral scope: RT+3 ℃-300℃
* 溫 度 波 動: Temperature flctuation: ±1℃
* 溫度分辨率: Temperature contral : 0.1℃
* 額定功率(KW):Rated power (KW) : 3.0
*電 壓 / 電 源: Voltage / powe : 220V±10% / 50HZ+2%
* 工作室尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm ) : 60×60×75
* 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm ) : 90×80×101
* 包裝尺寸(cm): Package Size ( cm ) : 99×89× 116.5
* 凈重/毛重(Kg): Net /gross weight ( kg ) ; 90 / 120
選 購 件:1,RS485接口和通訊軟件
Optional:1,RS485 interface and communication software 2, embedded printer (mini)
3,-Inligent programmable LCD temperature controller